Halifax Chiropractic We Can Help
Visit Genesis Chiropractic & Wellness Centre to see what sets us apart from other Halifax chiropractors. We take those extra steps to ensure a positive first experience for new patients that are choosing chiropractic care for the first time and for those who are returning to chiropractic for ongoing care. We have helped eliminate the symptoms below for many families and look forward to helping you too! Please give our Halifax chiropractic office a call to learn more.
Headaches, Neck and Low back pain

Chiropractic can help just about anyone, regardless of their age.
Headaches, Back pain and Neck pain are often related to the function of the spine and nervous system. The health of the spine, as well as, posture, play an important role in these conditions. At our office many patients experience complete elimination of the pain and lifestyle restrictions related with these conditions with chiropractic care. Visit us for a consultation to learn more about how we can help you live a more active and pain free lifestyle.
Sinusitis, Allergies and Respiratory ailments
Many of our patients see us for some or all of these conditions. The health of the spine and nervous system and your environment play an important role in treating, and managing these conditions. At our office many of our patients have experienced very good to excellent results in the resolutions and/or management of these conditions.
Adults and Children with Constipation, Acid reflux and other Digestive complaints
The health of the spine and nervous system is very important in building and maintaining a strong immune and digestive system which are both essential in the maintenance of good health. We enjoy helping people of all ages with these conditions and our patients report excellent results.
Other common conditions we see include poor sleep, fatigue and anxiety
A plan of regular chiropractic adjustments, supplements and other home care recommendations helps to restore proper function and regulation to the body which helps to improve or resolve these health problems.
There are, in fact, a variety of reasons why people come to see us:
- Why your ill or in pain-chiropractic optimizes your body’s natural healing ability
- When you’re pregnant-to assist with a more comfortable pregnancy, labour and delivery
- When you’ve been in an accident
- When you’re competing in sports-Olympic and professional athletes perform better when under chiropractic care.
- When you’re a baby learning to crawl and walk
- When you’re a student-chiropractic helps with improved concentration
- When you’re under stress-chiropractic is great for relaxation
We look forward to hearing from you! Call our Halifax chiropractic office today!